Brittany is our licensed veterinary technician. She was born in Texas but Charlotte has been home since she was a small child. Brittany received her Bachelor of Science degree in geology /paleontology from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. After a few years of digging in the dirt she decided to pursue her real passion and finished her degree in Veterinary Medical Technology from Gaston College in 2012. Brittany shares her home with 2 cats, Shadow and Kibu, two chickens, a corn snake and a variety of tropical and beta fish. In her spare time she enjoys writing, art, playing violin and messing around in her garden because sometimes you just need to dig in the dirt.

Stephanie is one of our veterinary assistants. She was born and raised in South Africa. Stephanie moved to the United States in 2007 with her parents and many cats and dogs. They lived in Maine for 4 years before moving to the Carolinas. Stephanie has helped her mom rescue a variety of small animals over many years but she is especially fond of cats. Like many of us she got her foot in the door of veterinary medicine by taking a job in kennels and working her way up to assistant. Stephanie enjoys horseback riding, crafting, watching movies and spending time with her family and personal pets.
Julie is one of our customer service specialists. She was raised in rural New Jersey on a mini-farm with a myriad of animals to care for of all types from pocket pets to livestock. Julie relocated to the Southeast in 1989. She has lived in Charlotte for a number of years with her English expat husband and their 3 cats Melanie, Emmie and Lydia. Julie loves traveling to visit family in New Jersey, Georgia and England. She also enjoys sightseeing, cooking English and Irish pub grub, reading and hibernating at home with her husband and “the 3 girls”.